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Grade 9-10: IGCSE


Relevant Coursework: Economics, Business Studies, Math Extended, Hindi, English Literature, English
Language, Physics, and History


Grade 11-12: IB

Relevant Coursework: Economics HL, Business Management HL, Computer Science HL, Hindi B HL,
English Lit Lang SL, and Math AA SL

I am currently a Grade 11 student at the Doon School. I am pursuing a career in the subjects of Economics and Finance, and I have multiple positions in school that reflect the same. I have been appointed as the Boy-In-charge for The Doon School Stock Exchange, and I look forward to create an impact by making Financial Literacy a more recognized subject and area of knowledge for both students and teachers at the school.



Valtrust Internship, Delhi

Market Research and Analysis


I performed research on the outlook of the emerging ETF scene in both India and the US. In my analysis, I compared the performance variables of mutual funds and exchange-traded-funds using indicators such as the Sharpe ratio, maximum drawdown, and recovery days. To organize my findings, I used Excel to create a list of ETFs and mutual funds along with benchmarks and the aforementioned variables and indicators for large-cap, mid-cap, multi-cap, and flexi-cap mutual funds and exchange-traded-funds.


Vyana Intership, Virtual


I learnt course curriculum about current world geopolitics and world events. We were taught advanced learning concepts during a  three week learning program focusing on macro economics and geo politics.

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